
古朵生物:qPCR Master Mix促销中

发布时间2022-09-14        浏览次数:305

古朵生物:qPCR Master Mix促销中


产品编号 产品名称 规格 目录价格 促销价
YFXM0001 2× SYBR Green Fast qPCR Master Mix 5×1.1mL 600 480
YFXM0002 2× SYBR Green Fast qPCR Master Mix-LR 5×1.1mL 600 480
YFXM0003 2× SYBR Green Fast qPCR Master Mix-HR 5×1.1mL 600 480
YFXM0012 cDNA链快速合成试剂盒(去基因组) 100T 1050 840
古朵生物qPCR相关文献引用信息:                                                            ※ IF= 2.352:Chemosensory Gene Families in the Oligophagous Pear Pest Cacopsylla chinensis (Hemiptera: Psyllidae),Xu et al,  Insects2019 Jun 17;10(6):175.                                     ※ IF=3.44:Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channel by iptakalim mormalizes stress-induced HPA axis disorder and depressive behaviour by alleviating inflammation and oxidative stress in mouse hypothalamus, Zhao et al, Brain Research Bulletin,(2017)146-155.                                                          ※ IF=5.714:Water extract of indoor dust induces tight junction disruption in normal human corneal epithelial cells, Xiang et al,Environmental Pollutiopn, 243(2018) 301-307.                                                              ※ IF=4.18:Anti-angiogenic activity of para-coumaric acid methyl ester on HUVECs in vitro and zebrafish in vivo, Zhang et al, Phytomedicine, 2018 Sep 15;48:10-20.

古朵生物qPCR Master Mix上海古朵生物科技有限公司成立于上海浦东新区。是一家专门从事生物技术相关产品,励志研发和销售的综合性生物公司,产品远销多个国家和地区,我们将一如既往地秉承“一切为了满足客户的需求”的经营宗旨;牢固树立“以客户需求为准则、以市场需求为导向,不断开发高质量的新产品,提供客户满意的综合服务质量”的方针。